If real estate is like basketball, then the realtor is the point guard. The realtor assist, helps others score and sets up the team for the win. Rey Hollingsworth Falu has been recognized for an 8th Five Star Award in Westchester in 8 years, for service and customer satisfaction, demonstrating that a real assist means helping others.
Hollingsworth’s five-star reviews show why he is in the top one third of one percent of realtors in the County to garner the prestigious award for eight years in a row, besting 8,809 other realtors in service and customer satisfaction in the year of the pandemic recovery.
His group assisted in the fight to bring fair housing and co-op transparency to Westchester; a battle which has been going on for over thirty years that ended with County Exec George Latimer signing the historic law in June.
The group is poised for growth and continued service with the talent being assembled in Westchester. Joined by HomeSnap’s Fastest Growing Agent Ayana Barber, and many other fantastic professionals, the group focuses on responsiveness, technology and professionalism for its clients.
Current and former clients took to Youtube to share their assist by Hollingsworth and how they are still winning. If you need an assist…AskHollingsworth.