The Covid-19 virus infection rate is again on the rise. On October 6, 2020, Governor Cuomo signed Executive Order 202.68 which established a Micro-Cluster Strategy and categorizes them into one or more color-coded zones with corresponding levels of restrictions based on severity: Red Zones, Orange Zones, and Yellow Zones. New rules and restrictions directly target areas with the highest transmission of COVID-19 cases & surrounding communities.
In this zone, all real estate activities return to the period of time prior to any phase of reopening. In general, this means that all real estate activities in this area are to be conducted remotely, including showings, appraisals, inspections and other services necessary to complete a transfer of real property; provided, however, that any services that are “legally necessary” may be performed in-person so long as appropriate social distancing and cleaning/disinfecting protocols are observed. No brokerage or branch office is to remain open to the general public (i.e. no clients).
In both these zones, all real estate activities return to Phase 2 reopening. All members must follow the “INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR REAL ESTATE SERVICES DURING THE COVID-19 PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY” under Phase 2. Mass gatherings of ten or more people are prohibited in an “Orange Zone” and 25 or more people are prohibited in a “Yellow Zone”. Licensees should make every effort to avoid any such potential for “mass gatherings” when conducting a real estate activity such as an open house. Open houses are permitted but only one party is permitted in the property at a time with appropriate face coverings. NYSAR strongly recommends that open houses be by appointment only. Members should avoid having parties waiting outside of an open house.