Hercules! Hercules! Hercules! Westchester prices continue to look as strong as the Roman son of Jupiter, despite Covid, climate change or politics. The median single family home price in September was $811,888, up 4.8% over the previous 12 months; median condo was $470,000, up 6.7%, and the median coop was $193,750, up 15.7%.
Westchester, Rockland, Orange, and Connecticut markets are all seeing strong demand despite increasing rates, pandemic or anything else. 2021 has seen multiple bids above asking, the elimination of appraisal contingencies and many other indicators that this is another record year for real estate.
Despite the strong showing, realtors are cautious about the future. Any health emergency or natural disaster could bring the market to a screeching halt. We will continue to monitor the market in your neighborhood. If you need assistance… AskHollingsworth.