New Rochelle is getting a new 28-story Tower at 587 Main Street, announced Mayor Noam Branson and the City Council. Developer RDRXR recently unveiled the plans for the new tower in downtown New Rochelle. The Mayor beamed in his state of the city address about the great development possibilities in the city and promised more to come.
New Rochelle has plans to transform the city into a dynamic urban center. According to the mayor, New Rochelle has the fourth-lowest tax rate in New York State, the highest fund balance in eight years, and the best bond rating “since FDR was in the White House.” The city has implemented a flexible zoning code and expedites approvals for new projects. The entire redevelopment site already has completed environmental impact studies.
According to the mayor, ”New Rochelle has a shovel-ready development framework [in place]…the best location, the best transit options, and when Penn Station access is completed, a direct connection to the east and west sides of Manhattan... Put it together, and from every perspective, this is the most exciting development opportunity in the entire region – maybe one of the best in America.”
New Rochelle, Mount Vernon and Yonkers all have development plans in the works to attract New York City residents. More and more people are looking at Westchester as a place to LIVE, WORK and PLAY. If you need assistance finding a Westchester address… AskHollingsworth.